Monday, December 26, 2011

apparently not prideful.

So had an interesting debate today. Starting over something as simple as 'Uniform Inspections'.
In February we're having one, which isn't too horrible in itself. I graduated the stupidity of boot camp a long time ago, and as formal as these can get they're still really easy to pass. So no big deal, just a pain to come in on a day off work, in my bravos or charlies, form up and do what ever stupid shit they have us do. The question part is dumb I think, but that's because they ask things like random Marine Corps history, or other stuff they think you should know. Which since I never use it I don't know it. If 29% of people don't know who the Vice President of the United States is, I think I can live with not knowing exactly what went on in Battle of Belleau Wood.
However, upon stating that I understand the point of them, but I'd rather not do them anyways, this other individual stated that uniform inspections increase troop morale. At which, I gave the craziest confused look I could manage and asked, "how?!" because that makes no sense to me. I have never seen moral raise due to the fact they were requiring us to do something like this. Ever.
Apparently it's after having the inspection, a successful inspection raises morale.
Of no one in my opinion.
Passing a uniform inspection is part of your job last time I checked.
Looking good in uniform, wearing it approprately, taking care of it, it all falls under 'being a Marine'.
Once again, my opinion.
Something I've discovered a lot recently, is that almost everything is according to someone's opinion. Often enough they just play it off as to this is just how it is. But I suppose technically that's how it is everywhere in the world. It just doesn't effect you're life as much. At least it didn't mine before.
Anyways, getting back on track.
The agrument ended up pretty much with the other person implying that because I don't find uniform instections 'morale improving' that I lack pride in my uniform, because people who take pride in their uniforms take pride inspections, a chance to wear them and be happy that they did it properly...
I don't know if this is one of those instances where my patterns of thinking differ that much from other people, but the general consensus of inspections is most should pass.
So yay~ good job, you did what you were suppose to. Here's your NAM.


  1. I agree with your side of the argument. Pride and morale are not tied to uniform inspections. Rather, those feelings are born of hard work and unit cohesion. Hard work can be a uniform inspection but most times it is the project longed over for hours or the homework finished with an exhaustive sigh at 2 a.m. Pride can come from wearing a uniform or can it come from inside of a individual from the knowledge that he/she has put forth all they can and accomplished what they set out to do. Do not allow this individual tell you when to have pride! (They clearly have their head stuck up their...)

  2. I agree as well. Honest effort in the work you do and skills or knowledge you've acquired and apply or just knowing you aren't like some of the ass hats you find around (I think all work places and services have them) would be the main sources of Pride. At least it is that way for me.
