Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Envelope Decorator

 I recieved my #Write_On starter kit in the mail last week. I'm terrible I completely forgot about April being National Letter Writing Month, and that I was going to participate in the 30 letters in 30 days campaign. D:
Until I got this in the mail, halfway through the month. Hahaha.
The cards are super cute, as always. though that pink....who picked that? Why? it's so bright, and ugh.
But then again, I am extremely biased against pink colors. So there's that.

I spent a good part of a day writing letters and decorating envelopes last week. It was fun. I normally only have one or two people I write letters to a month, so it was a nice change of pace to have so many.
I limited myself to small cards, and short messages. Some people feel obligated to write back when you write them, and I don't want that. I also don't want to overwhelm people with my entire life story in an envelope. Though one of my friends and I write pages to each other about our lives and thoughts. It's really nice.

Unfortunately I only have 11 letters written. I only have 12 people's addresses total. And some of them it was almost strange to write to because they're people I haven't spoken to in a long time, or feel as if I don't know well. But I think they would still appreciate a small letter saying Hi.
I hope.
One of the letters was to an old coworker, before she was a coworker she was almost a mentor. My friends and I would go to the library one night a week for a teen reading program. She ran the program, and was amazing. We didn't always read a book a month like we were supposed to, but we always came to the program regardless. And we had other books we loved.
I think that was her purpose of the program, to encourage teens to read, to discuss, to have a safe hangout place for them.
So I wrote her a letter telling her she is a beautiful person, because she really is.
But now I need to figure out what I'm going to do about the rest of the letters. :/

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Valentine's Chocolate Lover

First v-day being in the same state as the Hubs, 
I made chocolates for him (based off of a Nama chocolate recipe I found) and we've spent all weekend marathon playing video games (Starbound, check it out, because it's amazing), and watched the Batman trilogy. 

Talk about a great weekend, I voted we do this more often. 

Hope everyone else had a great weekend whether it be with someone or romancing yourself away through the winter storm!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Inconsistant blogger for life!

Well, looks like I will never be one of those people who blog on a regular basis and show up every other Pinterest post.
I am okay with this. I made this blog for me, and it has suited me quite well in my self-discovery journey through life, and my never ending quest to try and understand other people.
Tis Friday the 13th *makes ghostly whoo noises* I didn't even notice till my elder brother sent a happy 13th message. Tomorrow is Valentine's day, my first time actually spending it with the Hubs.
We're going to marathon video games on our laptops for the weekend. As soon as he gets home from work we are heading to the grocery store and buying tons of snacks, and pizzas, and we're going to be teenagers with no jobs for a weekend. Monday is a Federal Holiday, so that is going to be our recovery day. I'm looking forward to this weekend, my adult symptoms will be that I will get extremely tired and want to go to sleep after 10pm, so I'll have to drink lots of green tea to stay up. But I can do it! :D
Not how most spend their V-day, but we are nothing like other couples I've learned over the years.
Though I did make homemade chocolates for him. They are amazing. I'll post pictures after I give them to him. Even will include the recipe. Promise.

I'm on my second semester of school now, since leaving the military. The first semester was busy busy busy. I took a class on Terrorism, Sociology in the Workplace, and Women and Social Action. It was a super educational semester. I learned so much about so many different things, I think I changed slightly as a person due to it.
This semester I am taking Cultural Diversity in the United States, Juvenile Delinquency, and History of the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S. It will be another educational semester. And after this I only have two classes left to take and I will be an undergraduate. Super exciting to think about.
Then I have to talk myself into continuing my original plan to pursue a Master's. (I day dreamed about a doctorate the other day, just so I can be called "Doctor") I'm lame like that. There is no reason for me to become a doctor.

Also on my list of things to do this year: I am doing the 2015-in-2015 Challenge. The goal is to run/walk 2015 miles in 2015. Cheesy, yes?
I am doing it, but I am not crazy, so I am not doing it alone. I conned talked two of my friends into doing it with me. So our team, altogether, will walk/run 2015 miles this year.
I started late in January, and I strained my calf muscles so I had a week off. I only did 30.5 miles. We're two weeks into January and I am at 28.5 already. I would have more but this darn weather! Twice a week a blizzard passes by. It's getting ridiculous. I was gonna do another 4 miles today, but its 14 degrees Fahrenheit outside, with a windchill of -2. So no. I'm not running in that. You can get frostbite in 30 minutes technically in that kind of weather. No thanks.

Well, I think that is all I have for now. Just a quick update, to remind myself this blog is still here (And shows up in google now). Nothing interesting. Maybe next time.