Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Anti-Substance abuse

So since I was vacationing all last week I didn't have anything planned for this post. Considered writing about my vacation, but changed my mind. It was great, Maine is gorgeous, and when you go to a small town in Canada for just one night the guys at the border checking passports will be very suspicious of you. XD
I decided I wanted to discuss my view on drugs and alcohol. Which sometimes I wonder if they're really even MY views. I've known a lot of people who, as teens, pretty much had their life drastically changed by the choices they made. Which seems like a "Duh" statement to make. But I almost said, "Ruined" instead. I don't think they see it that way though. But the people they hung out with, the drugs they did, the drinking they did, and the decisions that results from their actions isn't something they always look back proud on. Seeing the difference between how their lives are and mine, when the difference between us is that I chose not to do drugs, I stayed in school, I felt too uncomfortable being in close proximity to the other gender, that I never really "dated" until the end of high school, and as dissatisfied with my life as I am and I look at theirs....I feel very satisfied with my life.
I still talk to those people, just not very often anymore. But they admitted all the drugs and drinking they did ruined their brains. I can tell just from our conversations they're different. They repeat things often, easily forget conversations or things I've already told them, get confused easily and don't understand a lot. But as adults, I'm pretty sure they just pretend. Or make things up to fill in the gaps.
I think being close to these people who went through drastic changes in their youth made my stance on drugs as extreme as it is.
I loathe drug abuse.
And most drug use. I'm talking even something as simple as weed. Stoners irritate me, and the fact its becoming acceptable in most states frustrates  me.
But once upon a time alcohol was an illegal substance, and I enjoy that today. So I can't be totally judgmental about it. 
So honestly I wonder if its because I grew up with "Alcohol is okay, weed and all other drugs aren't." so instilled in me that shaped my beliefs to this day.
So the generation that grows up in a society with legal marijuana will treat it the same as how I view alcohol?
Granted I don't enjoy drinking till I pass out, I don't drink more than maybe once a month, and I don't like being around people who drink because nothing is fun unless their drunk.
So...that covers a lot of people my age's weekends, that I wouldn't want to be a part of.
Another interesting tidbit: I abhor cigarettes, but I'm okay with cigars....
Maybe because all the hype with cigarettes and you never hear about cigars?
Perhaps because I've spent so much time being forced to be with groups that smoke cigarettes all the time, but cigar smoking is more of a special thing, on occasion?
I don't know.
But I guess all things in moderation are probably okay. Except for hard drugs. Those will ruin your life. Being an addict to anything is a life ruiner if you can't control yourself or the addiction. Even worse if you don't recognize you have a problem.
I do believe though that people addicted to drugs shouldn't be treated as criminals (unless they are), but they should be treated as a medical problem and given help, forcibly.

So that's my pointless post for the week. I'll try to do better next time, have something interesting, maybe a project? :D

But I'm curious what other people's views are on drugs and alcohol, substance abuse, criminalizing it, or not, and why?
Granted no one reads this, but if you do, ever, anytime in the future, feel free to chime in. I'm always up for having my views enlightened or changed.

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