Sunday, April 1, 2012

Springtime Gardener

So, got out of the habit of posting. That happens a lot. Oh well. I've been keeping busy and doing well. Dealt with some weird moments in February, but that seems to have passed. Though, maybe it just feels like a long time ago because I haven't stepped foot into work for two weeks. Which has been heavenly. I seriously want another job.
But those are unhappy thoughts that lead to things like my previous post. Which then I don't post for months again. But honestly, I had to stop posting, the wrong kind of attention was being drawn, and it was....weird. Borderline creepy. I won't say more until more time passes. (ooh, cliff hanger).
However, I have started a new hobby, that is EXHAUSTING!! At least it was today. I started my first garden. Granted, I have a tiny backyard, so a tiny garden it is. But it was shockingly cheap, and really fun, relaxing in some ways. I enjoyed it. I planted a mixture of flowers. It'll be nice if I have a larder yard one day and I can have a vegetable garden. My boyfriend and I can enjoy that together. =^_^=
As I was digging into the dirt I happened to notice that about three inches down, there was a two-three inch layer of sand in my yard. So for the sake of not wanting dead flowers I dug it up.
All of it.
And put the top dirt back, and the sand in a pile by the fence.
So that's really random looking, but I don't know what to do with it. So there it stays. All that was growing by that fence was moss anyways. I just hope that the flowers get enough sunlight to bloom. The way the yard it and the fences are, it might be hard. So I'm thinking of this as my trial garden. I have said my good byes to the plants in case they don't make it.
So I spent hours doing that today. My roommates dog was out there playing around in the dirt, and plants, and eating grubs (ew). So she had a bath before she could come in and run around. I was very dirty too, some of it was of my own design (sitting in the dirt, for example), some of it wasn't (Abby jumped all over my with her muddy paws). But I enjoyed today a lot.
It's a good tired though. A contently tired. :)
Makes me wanna plant more gardens. >:D
If my flowers survive I'll post pictures. Don't get your hopes up, just in case.
I'm going to go pass out now. I have work tomorrow, its a new schedule too. Day shift, night shift, 48 hours off. At least 96's will be easy to fit in, though like always, we'll never get more than exactly 96 hours off, and the day crew will get their 120-something hours. Extremely lame favoritism there. I do not like it.

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