Friday, April 27, 2012

random updater.

So here I am, been almost a month. But not quite. I keep thinking to myself, "Oh! I should put that in my blog!" "Oh! I'll have to keep this in mind...for my blog." And then I end up being too lazy and easily to distracted to get around to it. Soo... Here I am, updating. Considering prepping further updates, so It'll look like I'm task oriented and prepared, but really I just plan ahead for my laziness. 0.o;;
Any who~
Noticed the interface of the website changed. I'm very unhappy with this. I like it the old way, I didn't change to the new way for a reason. I can't find anything!!!
I've been on this cooking fix recently. I want to learn to cook more from-not-out-of-a-box type foods. So homemade tomato soup! 
It was super tasty. I actually ended up making this because of the random ingredients I had in my fridge. Like, celery, carrots, garlic cloves, onions....and it was an easy recipe. So that helped me pick it too. I'm rather low on money this month. So looking up recipes based on what I already have and limiting what I go out and buy, is rather useful. Though, it is much easier (and cheaper) to just buy cheaper food that is practically pre-made for you.  Very unhealthy though, I've looked into it.
While I was waiting for the soup to slow simmer itself to being done I did this:
This is a Totoro (from My Neighbor Totoro by Studio Ghibli) peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I had it as a snack while making tomato soup. The soup was more lunch for the next few days at work. Tiny sandwich, little details, very tasty. 

And following that I started to work on this!! Totoro chocolates! They are so cute!!! For a first time I think I did rather well with them. 
They'll be better next time. First time is always a learning process. :)
I didn't think of these awesome ideas on my own. I wish I could say I did, but I found them on this awesome website:
She has lots of cute How-to's about making different character foods. I found it while looking for croquette recipes and she has one to make them look like Domo. week's cooking for fun project has already been decided. I'll let you know how it comes out. Super excited!! But check it out if you're interested. She has all sorts of cool stuff scattered throughout her website. It's pretty nifty.

I know my last post I discussed my gardening. I finally got around to uploading the pic of it from my phone: 

Of course this is it before I planted anything or put the fence up around it to keep the dog out. (It's not my dog, it's my house-mate's.) Oddly and shockingly enough it's coming along rather well. I haven't killed anything off yet. Lol! Though the seeds haven't had too much time to grow yet, but I did buy some plants already grown and blooming, and they're doing okay. I worry that they don't get enough sun with how the yard is set up, but I'll be moving this summer, so not much I can do about that. :(

And also interesting thing I did this month: Played Disk Golf. I didn't believe it was a real thing the first time it was mentioned to me. It's real, and it's pretty fun too, regardless of if you're any good at it or not. My right arm and shoulder muscle's were so sore the next day though. Definitely not used to using them like that. XD
Odd thing though: the disk golf course is literally right next to a waste facility plant. 0.o Thankfully enough I didn't get random bouts of turd smells while playing. Luck was with us that day. Though on the list of interesting ideas for mail boxes I think they have the right idea with theirs.

Hilarious!! We were taking pictures of it and a person was driving out of the waste plant and he stopped, rolled down his window and said to us, "That wasn't my idea, just so you know."
Then he drove away.  Random, but funny. I got a kick out of it.

Lastly: before I end this for today, I beat Mass Effect 3!!! I'm about a month or so behind everyone else, but I did beat it. I understand people's upsetness with the endings, and I think next post I shall discuss this further.
And to help with my research I read the Official Mass Effect 3 Guide book. It was insightful, but not extremely helpful. But there are 8 endings involving the three endings you hear people talk about. Just keep that in mind.
And male Shepard and Kaidan forever!! <333 I can't believe you got to romance him as a male. *sparkly eyes*
*ahem* Like I said, next post. We shall discuss. >:D

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