Monday, July 28, 2014


Well, my end of active service was officially a week ago. I found it a bit ironic that on my last day of active duty I ended up spending how I normally spent days off work; ate breakfast, went for a mile run, lounged and watched anime.

Biggest difference: I did it all with my husband.

Convincing him to run is always my biggest challenge of the day. :P
I enjoy running. I hated doing it for the military. But doing it for me is another matter.

But there hasn't been a huge paradigm shift yet. I'm still Cpl Morris in my mind. I still view things through the eyes of a Marine. I mean after years of being trained to do so, I suppose you don't just turn off Marine thinking in a week. And honestly part of me doesn't want to. If anything I'm still going to continue to better myself. That was the whole point of the military, wasn't it?
Besides I wanted money for college (Everyone pretty much wants that). 

I'm really happy that I get to enjoy a 'normal' married life now. Though not sure how normal any marriage really is. But we're not separated is the point here.

What I find interesting is how difficult it is for us to act like we're going to be living together always from now on. We have a tendency to still treat our time together like it's just a week visit. I'm sure eventually we'll figure out that I'm actually living here now an get into our groove of doing things. But for now I suppose we'll enjoy it.

After he takes his service wide exam (for promotions) we're gonna start working on our learning Japanese. I bought a bunch of stuff while I was in Japan. So I'm looking forward to that a lot. Being able to read and understand Japanese is something I've always wanted to do.

As an admin person at the Coast Guard unit said pointedly to me, "You're still affiliated with the reserves."
-_- And my dislike for her skyrocketed. Mainly because she just rubbed me the wrong way from the start. And her hair was INSANE. It's like she put it up a few weeks ago and hasn't bothered with it since.
And there's that Marine mindset again.

I'm still going to workout, now that I'm a civilian. Even dragging my other half into it with me. He doesn't really have any requirement to other than own personal interest. But I think he feels guilty if I'm doing it and he isn't. So Monday, Wednesday and Fridays he will actually be using his hour allotment for physical training and coming to join me.
(Three days a week he can leave work an hour early and he hasn't been. He stays there and works. What a motivator. I would be out the door in a heartbeat.)

But I'm spending the rest of my day....being a housewife?
I get up with the hubs in the morning (which is anytime between 0630 and 0700, depending on his snooze times), I am trying to get dressed every morning now. I discovered that if I stay in Pajamas that after he leaves for work at 0730 I sit around lounging and normally fall back asleep till 10. Which is a waste of a morning. Regardless of the fact I never fall asleep till around 1 a.m.
Drink some coffee with him, maybe have breakfast, make a list of things for the day to do.
Then attempt to accomplish them all.
I get sidetracked easily, I get bored. I remember more things to do, and do those things first. And so the list grows.
I do some cleaning everyday. I prep dinner, which we decide on either the night before or that morning.
laundry, dishes, VA paperwork and so on.
I'm really a friggin' housewife.

...I'm even wearing an apron right now...
I was cleaning earlier and I wear one when I clean or do crafts (crafts is next after this post).
But never thought I'd be a housewife.
Never thought I'd be married either, so life is full of plot twists.

I have a whole list of topics I plan on going over in posts. So that's nice. I have a plan for this!
As well as school starting in September. Exciting stuff.

I had planned on discussing more of my relationship in this post, but I sort of covered it in a nice way. I'm not going to pour my soul out of how much I care for my husband. I'm married to him, and we've been together for five years. I think that says it all right there. But this more was about the dynamic of my new lifestyle and how the relationship is now different from how it's been the entire time.
And I can't be more happier.

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